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Reintora Lore

Reintora was the home that would pave the way for the children of The Earth Mother, Cyn'thea and The First One, Jaha. The wolf of all elemental affinities and Cyn'thea delighted in welcoming The First Born, Macha, to the realm of Reintora.

Macha and Jaha honed their abilities together, creating a strong bond between them, though, the love of his father was not enough for Macha and he desired more. Macha the mischievous fox crafted a creature of flesh and blood for himself, Abadon.


Abadon fed off of the souls of the lost within Reintora and quickly, the lost stopped sating her. Macha helped her open a portal to bring souls into Reintora for her to feed from. This greatly upset Cyn'thea and so Jaha attempted to stop the portal and a gruesome fight ensued. Jaha fell and his soul splintered. Each splinter took a the form of a wolf of single element and they scattered the land. Cyn'thea took his near lifeless body and forced a hibernation upon him, resting him deep beneath the sands of the desert.

Cyn'thea imprisoned Macha for what he had done and now Abadon seeks a way to breath the veil and allow macha an easy route to his father to finish what was started.

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The Beginning

Of Beast and Men

She took bits and pieces of Reintora, bringing them together. The Water from the pools, Earth from the lush forests, Fire from the lava flows and Air from the breezes of the coasts. These parts all combined to mould the 'first one', Jaha.

Season 1

Winds of Sorrow

With the player driven elemental imbalance beginning to run havoc on the land, Cyn'thea tried to restore balance with the help of inhabitants of Reintora. Players scrambled to help Cyn'thea collect air gems, while others stole and harvested the gems to support Abadon. Players also released a curse of undead upon the land by delving where they shouldn't.

Unfortunately, Cyn'thea was unable to succeed and a shard of Jaha fell. Sono, the air wolf fell and with that a series of environmental catastrophes took place they resulted in much loss of both buildings and loved ones.

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Season 1.5

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Sun of Salvation

With the following for both Abadon and Cyn'thea increasing, players went undercover to gather information or power. Some swore to protect places of worship while others desecrated the areas openly. Temples of Macha were discovered and explored.

Player based decisions unleashed primordial weirds onto the land, causing destruction in their wake. A silver lining though - the presence of air elementals seems to be growing again.

Players narrowly discovered the Novos Phoenix before the destruction of the hatchery could take place.

Season 2


With the player driven elemental imbalance beginning to run havoc on the land, Cyn'thea tried to restore balance with the help of inhabitants of Reintora. Players scrambled to help Cyn'thea collect air gems, while others stole and harvested the gems to support Abadon. Players also released a curse of undead upon the land by delving where they shouldn't.

Unfortunately, Cyn'thea was unable to succeed and a shard of Jaha fell. Sono, the air wolf fell and with that a series of environmental catastrophes took place they resulted in much loss of both buildings and loved ones.

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