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Reintora Quindecim

Concept artwork of major characters from Secrets of Reintora by the talented @slapdraws


The Earth Mother

"Listen to the forest. The leaves speak the secrets of our souls."

Embodies: Earth, Forests, Fertility, Purity, Compassion

Appearance: Half-elf occasionally confused for a dryad due to her heavy nature based appearance. 

Traits: Emotional, Humble, Benevolent

Values: Humility, Serenity, Life

Common Knowledge:

Handcrafted her mate in order to populate Reintora which was warped by her hand to fit her vision of 'sanctuary'. 

She watches over the inhabitants and removes the young born on the land until they reach maturity. Keeping them pure for as long as she can and protecting them from curses and corruption. 

The Elemental Wolf

"True strength is understanding before acting."

Embodies: Moon, Hunting, Balance, Empathy

Appearance: Large white wolf with elemental aspects that glow and ripple through his fur. The elements manifest physically in close proximity to him.

Traits: Patient, Stoic, Reliable, Intuitive

Values: Strength, Mercy, Law

Common Knowledge:

The essence of each element merged to form his soul. After an altercation with his son, he sustained a significant injury and was forced into hibernation by his mate.

His soul split into four and a wolf of each element was formed. His body is said to be buried within Reintora as he lays in eternal slumber, waiting to be released.


The First Born

"I am not corrupted. I am untameable and was never born to bend."

Embodies: Rivers, Mischief, Defiance, Impulse

Appearance: Dark fox the size of a wolf. Deep blacks and purples line his coat and eyes shine bright in contrast.

Traits: Aloof, Passionate, Determined

Values: Pride, Change, Darkness

Common Knowledge:

Being born of both light and dark he was misunderstood greatly. Though his heart was kind he was uncontrolled. Chaotic.

Desiring a love like his parents, he crafted the perfect mate from flesh and blood. Shaping her to his vision, much as his mother had done before him. 
After a severe altercation with his father he was imprisoned by his mother for his defiance.

of Blood and Flesh

"Your chaos calls to me, like midnight... It's beautiful."

Embodies: Death, Unrest, Poise, Night

Appearance: Crafted from blood and flesh, a construct. Her form, humanoid and undead, with ears of a jackal and tail of a fox.

Her true form, far more bestial and has only ever seen by one - Macha.

Traits: Charismatic, Devoted, Proud, Resolute

Values: Acceptance, Ambition, Power

Common Knowledge:

Abadon's hunger grew beyond the souls of the beast-men of Reintora. She convinced Macha to help her open a gate to pull souls into the realm to sate her.

She refuses to buy in to Cyn'thea's idea of 'freedom' and 'peace' and actively works to break her love free from his 'unjust' imprisonment. 

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