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Sun of Salvation 

With the following for both Abadon and Cyn'thea increasing, players went undercover to gather information or power. Some swore to protect places of worship while others desecrated the areas openly. Temples of Macha were discovered and explored.


Player based decisions unleashed primordial weirds onto the land, causing destruction in their wake. A silver lining though - the presence of air elementals seems to be growing again.Players narrowly discovered the Novos Phoenix before the destruction of the hatchery could take place.

Unmasking the Black Witch

The Black Witch, revealed to be Abadon herself, rested deep within her crypt where she watched Macha in his prison through a magical window she had created. Her disciples worked tirelessly to transport the stolen air gems safely to a series of underground temples of Macha.  Those who showed devotion to Abadon were invited to the crypt to pledge allegiance and tasked to prepare or retrieve blood crystals for the cause.

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The Lost Wolf

Elementals felt a strange pull in the southern deserts as the land terraformed. A lush and rocky grove came to life in a space of Reintora that was otherwise lifeless. Elemental beings first found the Earth and Water wolves by a large tree, building a shrine to Cyn'thea. Still mourning for their late brother Sono, the Fire wolf was missing. Inhabitants of Reintora were asked to find him and bring him to the grove so the wolves could construct the beacon needed to call upon Vexorth, the third born. 

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Shrubs Have Ears

Abadon's disciples got wind of the grove and infiltrated its rocky exterior.  Rustling shrubs in the soft wind heard the tale of the last air elemental. The wolves had asked for those who support Cyn'thea to find the air elemental and to bring them to the grove, and of course, the devout of Abadon set out to hunt the being and take them to the crypt.

A group of Cyn'thea followers had sworn to protect the wolves and the grove, but as they slept the antagonistic Abadon followers would try to defile and desecrate the Tree of Cyn'thea.

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With Heat Comes Life

With the fire wolf missing and the elemental imbalance continuing to grow, the land began to catch fire from within. Fire beasts rose up until the inhabitants of Reintora could manage and maintain them. On the journey to douse the flames, many stumbled across a curious hatchery in the heart of the Jungle where tales were told of the history of the Phoenix. 

Others turned to the volcano looking for answers as to why Reintora was suddenly becoming warmer and why the beasts of fire were emerging. Many of those stumbled across a curious winged creature who refused to speak to any and simply screeched about being reborn as they approached. Some thieves took eggs for themselves, others for science and research, returning to the hatchery.

The warming of the land resulted in the Novo Phoenix rising once more. A race that had long been dormant, hidden and unknown. The heat warmed the eggs of rebirth enough to see the race slowly surface. Their story waiting to be told.

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The Unbinding of the Weird

Followers of Cyn'thea returned the favour by deceiving the disciples and listening from within the crypt of The Black Witch.  Learning the purpose of the stolen air gems was to harness and unleash the power of an air primordial, which would in turn lead to the freeing of Macha. 

Priestess' of Cyn'thea disguised themselves and helped deliver the air gems to the hidden temples of Macha, uncovering the secret locations so that reinforcements may be able to put an end to Abadon's plan.

The temples were infiltrated by inhabitants of Reintora but not all were there to help Abadon or Cyn'thea. Some of the temples fell, the primordials being safely subdued and dealt with. Others succeeded and were even supported in the efforts to unleash the wind beings upon the lands. Those released wrecked havoc on the lands, not unlike the time Sono passed. The land was torn asunder as the creatures rampaged through their new found freedom. 

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Sun of Salvation

Despite the debris in every corner of the land, the elemental wolves felt empowered, invigorated. They could feel the shift of balance changing as the power of air was returning slowly to Reintora. With their strength somewhat restored, they gathered to turn the southern deserts into more than just a simple grove, terraforming the land into something where life would thrive one day and took refuge within the forests while awaiting the incredible storms to pass.

Abadon's crypt fell to the chaos as the cliffside walls caved in. Trapping few disciples as they held the way for Abadon to make her escape into the night, with something bundled beneath her cloak.

The days grew shorter as continuous sandstorms took the light from the sky. Creatures that took solace in the depths surfaced and it seemed as if everywhere you looked shadows lingered. Just as the belief was that night would be eternal, a great flash of blinding light pierced through walls of the storm and with it a strange sense of calm... 

Vexorth had heard the wolves call and the sun had followed him home.

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